Premium Bark Mulch

Premium Bark Mulch is made of nearly 100% shredded Hardwood Bark and aged for up to 6-9 months. Use Premium Bark Mulch to enrich your soil, retain ground moisture, and maintain hard-to-reach areas.

All of our mulch products are sold by a full, 1 cubic yard scoop or 2 cu. ft bag.

Quantity discounts apply for purchases over 5 cubic yards.

Premium Bark Mulch – $33.00 / yard

                                        $4.75 / bag

Material Calculator in Yards


Are you looking for the #1 mulch for your gardening areas? Look no farther than Zimmerman’s Premium Bark Mulch made of nearly 100% shredded Hardwood bark and aged for a year into the fine, dark brown product that you see. Aged bark mulch such as this breaks down into an enriching soil additive in your garden much more quickly and uniformly than traditional wood mulches with their large percentage of actual wood. Zimmerman Mulch is proud to offer this hard-to-find alternative.

Other Uses for Premium Bark Mulch

This mulch serves several other purposes in addition to soil enrichment. As a weed-control system, it saves you time that would otherwise be spent cleaning up your landscape areas and also helps to retain ground moisture for more vibrant and longer-lasting flowerbeds. Spread around the base of shrubs, trees, and perennials, it beautifully maintains hard-to-reach areas without the bother of planting grass. Small wonder that premium bark mulch is the #1 choice of professional landscapers.

There is one important point to remember in mulch application: Never layer more than 2″-3″ at any given place. A deeper layer than this restricts moisture and nutrients from reaching the roots of the plants.

Contact Zimmerman Mulch today to place your order for Premium Bark Mulch and enjoy the results all season long!